If you ask Burnley based Mediterranean Linens what’s new, the answer might well be a resounding silence.


The earliest archaeological evidence of humans wearing cotton is thought to go back some 8000 years. There’s something elemental about cotton. It’s often the first thing we are wrapped in as newborn babies, and it’s had an impact on many areas of our lives including the very language we speak. Without even knowing it we reference the cotton industry, when we “spin someone a yarn” or if we tell a joke and “have someone in stitches.”

But don’t be fooled, cotton may be one of the oldest products in the world, but it can still be brought right up to date, and that is exactly what Mediterranean Linens is doing. Mediterranean Linens has existed since 2009 but the latest development in this Homeric odyssey is that the organisation is now, at long last, selling directly to the public.

This forward-thinking company is aiming to make the 5-star hotel experience available to individuals in their own homes. In reality, what they’ve done has far surpassed that goal.

The Latest Development in a story of 8000 Years

In fact, at Mediterranean Linens we are offering top quality Egyptian cotton bed linen at three different price points: Essential, Indulgence, and Hotel Chic, or in common parlance: great, greater, and greatest.

All three represent exceptional value for money. Prices start at around £44 per single set for the Essential range, but even the most economical price point still retains a level of luxury that compares well to many top hotels. For those wanting to spend a little more, Mediterranean Linens can offer some seriously comfortable, soft and ultra-luxurious products. With a thread count of  600 per square inch, this part of the range is as smooth and soft as an Egyptian sand dune, yet as fresh and crisp as a gin and tonic.

These products are best seen as an investment. Even after years of repeated use and washing, with the proper care, they will still be as fresh as the day you bought them.